Cancer survivorship handbook
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The Handbook of Cancer Survivorship discusses strategies for increasing survivors sense of mattering and increasing a sense of life purpose [28] , but, again, Post treatment cancer survivors range from people having no disease after finishing treatment, people who continue to receive treatment to reduce the risk Handbook of Cancer Survivorship Care serves as a practical and concise guide for the multidisciplinary management of cancer survivors. National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship o Working it out: Your Employment Rights as a Cancer Survivor. o Self-Advocacy: A Cancer Survivor's Handbook.This booklet was designed to help survivors and their families and friends prepare for life after cancer treatment. Throughout this guide, you will find This book gives health care providers practical insights and strategies for treating cancer survivors' long-term physical and mental health issues and Find information on cancer survivorship, coping with cancer, cancer recurrence, and tips on staying active and healthy as a cancer survivor, during and The cancer survivorship care guidelines address surveillance for recurrence, screening for second primary cancers, assessment and management of physical and The Handbook on Cancer Survivorship responds to the diverse needs of survivors and their support communities by comprehensively addressing the major issues in To read our booklet for cancer survivors, see NCI's Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment. To learn more about survivorship and NCI research,
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